Increase Website Traffic And Engagement

Sheroes wanted to build a community for women, and grew their organic traffic on the website by 600%, with SEO consulting.

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About Sheroes

Sheroes in a women’s community platform, offering a platform to connect, interact and pursue opportunities in a safe space. Their website and app provide numerous resources and services for women to discuss and take charge of different aspects of their lives.

 Key Highlights

 With SEO consulting and execution, Sheroes achieved a 600% increase in organic traffic in just a month.

Woman power—there is no stopping it.

When a startup decides to channel all that power to a platform for working women, you know they are meant for great things. Yes, we truly believe that about Sheroes.

“Build traffic organically,” said Sairee Chahal, CEO of Sheroes, to us when they had just launched. Content was being taken care of by their team, and was focused on user generated awesomeness. Niswey had to focus on SEO, she said.

And that is what we did. Poring through the platform for tech problems hampering SEO.

Doing keyword research and automating on-page SEO. Working with the Sheroes tech team to resolve issues bit by bit.

Here’s a summary video of what we did, and how.


12 months later…


That was a job well done. Our contract ended.

A few months went by. Niswey was roped in for SEO consulting again.


In the first month of our intervention, this happened…



Then, in the third month, this…


Like we said, there is no stopping woman power. A little SEO help just makes them more formidable.

Looking for inbound marketing services for your business? Get in touch!