To be eligible for registration, phone numbers must be:
- owned by you
- have a country and area code (short codes are not supported)
- able to receive voice calls or SMS (Meta send you a message to verifying ownership)
Registered numbers can still be used for everyday purposes, such as calling and text messages.
Numbers already in use with the WhatsApp Messenger app or WhatsApp Business app cannot be registered unless they are deleted first.
Check out all the details by Meta here.
Banned WhatsApp numbers cannot be registered unless they are unbanned first.
To get started with Vira, you need a phone number not registered with WhatsApp. If you're already using the phone number for WhatsApp, you can delete your account and then use it to register on Meta for the WhatsApp Business API account.
Alternatively, Meta offers a free WhatsApp number to register with a WhatsApp Business API account. While onboarding on Vira, you'll be asked to register your number or get a new number.
Get Started with Vira now!
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