How to install LitePics from HubSpot ?

  • Login in to your HubSpot Portal
  • Navigate to the top right side of your HubSpot portal and click on the hut icon (Asset Marketplace)
  • In the drop-down menu you have three options. Click on App Marketplace
  • Type in the app name, LitePics, or using the filter option and follow the sequence : Marketing > SEO
  • Click on the LitePics app
  • On the top right corner Click on Install app
  • Click Authorize
  • Choose the HubSpot account that you wou would like to integrate
  • Once you choose, give the required permission to proceed further by clicking on Connect App

        Congratulations on choosing LitePics as your Automatic image compression tool.

        Once integrated, you will be redirected to our Pricing Plan page. Over here, we have                devised three plans for you.

  • Free Plan
    • Compress up to 20 images per month
    • Limit of 10 images compressed per day
  • Fast Plan
    • Personalized pricing depending on the number of images in your portal
    • Limit of 1o0 images compressed per day
  • Furious Plan
    • Personalized pricing depending on the number of images in your portal
    • Limit of 1o0 images compressed per day