How to cancel your NisWire subscription?

We regret to know that NisWire didn't help you with your challenges. If you would like, you can book a quick call with us if you have faced any issues or if you would like to share what didn't work for you.

If still you would like to proceed with cancellation, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open any contact from your HubSpot Account.
  2. Navigate to the NisWire CRM card on the right panel of your HubSpot Contact.
  3. Go to Settings > Subscription Management.
  4. Select the account and confirm for cancellation.

The conversations will still show up in the Contacts/Deals Activity Timeline. If you do not wish to see these conversations, you can follow the steps below to uninstall the NisWire integration from your HubSpot Portal:

  1. From the HubSpot home screen, navigate to the top right side of your HubSpot portal and click on the hut icon (Asset Marketplace)
  2. Under the Manage section
  3. Click on Connected Apps
  4. Find the NisWire App under - All apps section
  5. Click on Action dropdown menu
  6. Choose Uninstall
  7. To authorize uninstall, you have to type 'uninstall' on the pop-up that appears

Once you uninstall the app, the app will no more reflect the timeline of your interaction with your customers in the HubSpot portal.

Please note that only uninstalling the integration will not cancel the subscription.