How is "Contacts who became Opportunity" calculated?

This metric is indicative. We calculate it in the following manner:
  • We make a list of all contacts whose "Became an Opportunity Date" property value falls between the reporting period.
  • From the above list, we filter out the contacts who were sent at least one of the campaigns that fall in the reporting period.
  • From the filtered-out list in Step 2, we count the contact under the campaign whose Sent date preceeds the contact's "Became an Opportunity Date" by the least difference.
  • Illustration: The reporting period is Jan 1, 2024 to Jan 15, 2024. Campaign A was sent on Jan 5, 2024 and Campaign B was sent on Jan 10, 2024. Both campaigns were sent to Contact X, Y and Z. X became an opportunity on Jan 7, Y became an Opportunity on Jan 9 and Z became an Opportunity on Jan 14. We'll show 2 opportunities under Campaign A (Contact X and Y) and 1 opportunity under Campaign B (Contact Z).