Error Codes Meta

Rate limit hit
Cloud API message throughput has been reached.
The app has reached the API's throughput limit. See Throughput. Try again later or reduce the frequency with which the app sends messages.
Spam rate limit hit
Message failed to send because there are restrictions on how many messages can be sent from this phone number. This may be because too many previous messages were blocked or flagged as spam.
Account register deregister rate limit exceeded
Registration or Deregistration failed because there were too many attempts for this phone number in a short period of time
Temporarily blocked for policies violations
The WhatsApp Business Account associated with the app has been restricted or disabled for violating a platform policy.
See the Policy Enforcement document to learn about policy violations and how to resolve them.
API Unknown
Invalid request or possible server error.
Check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page to see API status information. If there are no server outages, check the endpoint reference and verify that your request is formatted correctly and meets all endpoint requirements.
API Service
Temporary due to downtime or due to being overloaded.
Check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page to see API status information before trying again.
Parameter value is not valid
The business phone number has been deleted. Verify that the business phone number is correct.
Invalid parameter
The request included one or more unsupported or misspelled parameters.
See the endpoint's reference to determine which parameters are supported and how they are spelled.
Ensure when setting the business public key, it is a valid 2048-bit RSA public key in PEM format.
Ensure there is no mismatch between the phone number id you are registering and a previously stored phone number id.
Ensure your parameter is under any length restriction for the type.
Something went wrong
Message failed to send due to an unknown error.
setting a business public key, it either failed to calculate the signature, call the GraphQL endpoint, or the GraphQL endpoint returned an error.
Try again. If the error persists, open a Direct Support ticket.
Access denied
Permission is either not granted or has been removed.
Use the access token debugger to verify that your app has been granted the permissions required by the endpoint. See Troubleshooting.
Required parameter is missing
The request is missing a required parameter. See the endpoint's reference to determine which parameters are required.
Service unavailable
A service is temporarily unavailable.
Check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page to see API status information before trying again.
Message Undeliverable
Unable to deliver message. Reasons can include:
The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number.
Sending an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who has a +91 country calling code (India). Authentication templates currently cannot be sent to WhatsApp users in India.
Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:Android:
KaiOS: 2.2130.10
Web: 2.2132.6

The message was not delivered to create a high quality user experience. See Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits.
Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:
Confirm that they can actually send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number.
Confirm that they have accepted our latest Terms of Service (Settings > Help, or Settings > Application information will prompt them to accept the latest terms/policies if they haven't done so already)
Update to the latest version of the WhatsApp client.
Business eligibility payment issue
There was an error related to your payment method.
See About Billing For Your WhatsApp Business Account and verify that you have set up billing correctly.
Common problems:
Payment account is not attached to a WhatsApp Business Account
Credit line is over the limit
Credit line (Payment Account) not set or active
WhatsApp Business Account is deleted
WhatsApp Business Account is suspended
Timezone not set
Currency not set
MessagingFor request (On Behalf Of) is pending or declined
Exceeded conversation free tier threshold without a valid payment method
Re-engagement message
More than 24 hours have passed since the recipient last replied to the sender number.
Unsupported message type
Unsupported message type.
See Messages for supported message types before trying again with a supported message type.
Media download error
Unable to download the media sent by the user.
We were unable to download the media for one or more reasons, such as an unsupported media type. Refer to the error.error_data.details value for more information about why we were unable to download the media.

Ask the WhatsApp user to send you the media file using a non-WhatsApp method.
Media upload error
Unable to upload the media used in the message.
We were unable to upload the media for one or more reasons, such as an unsupported media type. Refer to the error.error_data.details value for more information about why we were unable to upload the media.

We recommend that you inspect any media files that are causing errors and confirm that they are in fact supported.

For example, in UNIX you can use file inspection via the command line to determine its MIME type:

file -I

You can then confirm if its MIME type is listed in our list of supported media types.

For more reliable performance when sending media, refer to Media HTTP Caching and uploading the media.
Template Param Count Mismatch
The number of variable parameter values included in the request did not match the number of variable parameters defined in the template.
See Message Template Guidelines and make sure the request includes all of the variable parameter values that have been defined in the template.
Template Hydrated Text Too Long
Translated text is too long.