The Niswey Blog

Our take on the whys and hows of digital marketing. Also, a peek into our cultural ethos and efforts to find marketing lessons in popular culture.

Life at Niswey (2)

Stories from Digital Marketing Internship

The One with the Four Interns

February through May 2017 were very interesting times at Niswey. That’s because we were hosting four very special people, who brought with them some
The Making of a Stop Motion Video

Behind the Scenes of a Stop Motion Video

“I think we need 3 legs and maybe another set of arms.”
First Offsite Magical

Why Niswey’s First Offsite Was Magical

“At the beginning of the year, when you write down all goals you want to achieve and read that list regularly, you would’ve achieved all of them by

Managing Millennials by Drew McLellan and Susan Baier

Drew McLellan of Top Dog, MMG/Agency Management Institute, and Susan Baier, Owner of Audience Audit, took the stage in the morning to share the
goal-setting importance

Is Goal-Setting Really Important?

Before we start, I have a question for you. Do you think we have to save planet Earth? I just finished reading Sir Ken Robinson’s book called

A High Five for Niswey’s Five Years!

“It’s been 5 years, where’s your blog post?,” asked Rajat. If you know Rajat, he won’t take No for an answer and lo, here’s my post on my five years
first 65 days joining niswey

My First 65 Days at Niswey

A Journey That’s Just Begun In life, the climax really doesn’t count. What actually matters is the journey that leads to that climax. Three years

Making Magic at Memphis

My 365 Days with Knowizards

A Year After the Mundane

“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Yeah, the quote doesn’t make any sense, unless you’ve read the works of L. Frank Baum. And even