The Niswey Blog

Our take on the whys and hows of digital marketing. Also, a peek into our cultural ethos and efforts to find marketing lessons in popular culture.

9 Twitter Handles for Digital Marketers

9 Twitter Handles Every Digital Marketer Should Follow

Whether you’re a beginner in the digital marketing world or not, you would always want to broaden your perspective and get inspired everyday by the

Key Milestones of 2015: The Big 5

On the surface, things don’t seem to have changed a lot at Niswey. We are still the same size team inhouse. We are still in the same office. We still

8 Quotes on Our Learnings and Experiences at Niswey!

“Some moments are nice, some are nicer, some are even worth writing about.” ― Charles Bukowski
7 phases web design process

7 Phases of Web Design Process

What is the best time to get the web design reviewed by the client? Am I following the best web design process? We are going in too many design

6 Digital Marketing Books You Must Read

“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body.” ― Joseph Addison

4 Websites for Free Graphic Design Resources

Ever had to submit a design to the client, with the clock ticking away too fast? What do you do? Will you sit down and start a tedious design process
Lead Generation through Gestalt Design Principles

Lead Generation through Gestalt Design Principles

“The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” – Kurt Koffka Everyone knows that design is subjective; what you like may not be preferred by someone

10 Takeaways on Live Tweeting during Webinars

“Some moments are nice, some are nicer, some are even worth writing about.” ― Charles Bukowski
storytelling lessons tamasha

Lessons in Storytelling from Tamasha

Tamasha, the movie starring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, uses a different approach to storytelling than what is usually tried, tested and has