Blog - Digital Marketing Agency, Niswey

Letter to a Content Writer

Written by Suma EP | Sep 18, 2014 6:12:18 PM

Dear friend,

Hi! I know, you are out there, but I don’t know where you exactly are. I know some bits about you, and I find them really, really interesting. That’s why I am reaching out, in the hope that you will find me (and us) interesting too. And maybe end up creating something beautiful together.

You are called a content writer. I know you write well. Sometimes, not so much. At other times, you take yourself by surprise. When you write, you often lose yourself in it (some people say that’s actually when you find yourself). But most people find it weird that anyone could be so taken in with writing about technology. Not gadgets or iPhone 6, but hard core enterprise technology. I really like that about you, because there are not many out there who do it well.

Writing about gadgets is fun, but the stuff that often changes the world really is enterprise technology. Businesses depend on it, employees use it day in and day out, money is at stake at every step—you get this, you totally get this.

But what I like even more about you is the fact that you find yourself against a wall sometimes. You’re a writer, but you’re more than that. You question whether all this writing holds any meaning? Shouldn’t the writing make a difference, to something, to someone? “How am I making that difference?” you ask yourself. Not all the time, but on some slow days, on a busy commute, there’s that niggling feeling. And you brush it away.

Yes, I like it that you’re up against a wall that you can’t get around. Because I know what to do with a wall like that. And I know some others who can help too.

It’s not just that you can write well. You connect well with people you interact with—techies, evangelists, CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, anyone who has a point of view about the technologies they are excited about. You ask them questions and find out stuff that would be great for people to know about, put to use quickly. It’s your curiosity and intention to help others that gets you the answers. I find that extremely hot in a person. Really.

What I like most about you is the fact you are so many different people. You are a learner and a teacher, a warrior and a saint, a thinker and a doer, a leader and a follower, an individual and a team player. You have doubts, but you also know they are to be overcome. You want to be good at something, but you also want to be far more. You have dull days, but you also have days when you fill others with joy. Because joy is who you are, who you are meant to be.

I am waiting for you. And so is everyone else at Niswey. It’s high time you took the leap, and dropped me a line at sumaep [at] niswey [dot] com.
