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Content is King? The inevitable dialogue on content marketing - Niswey

Written by Suma EP | May 26, 2015 11:38:56 AM

(Inspired from a conversation that one of our writers had with a project head at a leading SEO agency of India)

“What is content?”

It’s king, of course.

“No, but what is it really?”

It’s what sells.

“How do I start writing?”


“How can content sell if it’s all just copy-paste?”

It’s not copy-paste, you gotta modify it too. You gotta get creative about it!

“Creative about copying?”

Don’t be difficult, you know what I mean!

“So content is creative?”

Yes, it is.

“Creativity involves being original.”

Get real, how can you be original with content?

“By finding out what is original about what is being sold.”

Good luck with that! Everything is commoditized.

“So how can we be creative?”

Just use some English, baba. Make it sound different. You do know English, right?

“Yes. But the soul will be the same.”

Soul? WTF are you talking about?

“Soul of the content. What the brand stands for. The key message. The uniqueness. How it matters to the reader.”

Woah, woah! Don’t get carried away. The creative guy will worry about the brand. Just start writing.

“But what the content says is what the brand stands for.”

Oh, perfectionist little miss, aren’t we! Just give me 400 words, is that so hard?

“But those 400 words should be relevant. Should highlight the USPs, right?”

Like I said, you will find it on some site or the other. Rephrase, reword, rewrite.

“If it’s the same stuff, how is it king?”

You are so fired!