The Niswey Blog

Our take on the whys and hows of digital marketing. Also, a peek into our cultural ethos and efforts to find marketing lessons in popular culture.

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Is the Martech Stacked in Your Favour?

Earlier this year, like every year since 2011, Scott Brinker of published his annual martech supergraphic. The 2020 supergraphic maps
account based marketing approach

When is Account Based Marketing Not the Right Approach for You?

Every few days I find myself answering questions around Account Based Marketing from senior marketers or CEOs who find us via search or agency rating

3 Stats That Will Make You Reimagine Your B2B Brand Awareness Campaign

By now you’ve already heard us talk and write about the 46:54 ratio. As a quick memory jog, as per Institute of Practitioners of Advertising, this

What IT Decision-makers Want: 2020 Marketing Plan for IT Marketers

Eighty-six percent of IT decision-makers (ITDMs) say it is highly challenging for them to find quality content, says a survey report of IDG. This

Account Based Marketing in HubSpot: New Features in Marketing Hub Enterprise

Back in 2016, Niswey took its first steps with Account Based Marketing when one of our key clients shifted their focus from mid-size companies to
abm readiness

Assessing Your ABM Readiness: Are You a Match?

How do you figure out the ABM readiness of your company on a scale of 0-10? And whether it needs to kick start account based marketing?

Letter to a Digital Marketer

Dear friend,

MarTech 2019: Key Takeaways

Niswey is at MarTech 2019 being held in San Jose, from April 3-5. Abhinav and I are here, attending sessions, visiting booths and generally chatting

Setting ABM Benchmarks: Where Does Your Company Stand?

ITSMA conducts an annual survey of B2B marketing companies to find out the progress of ABM adoption, as the hype around it continues to grow. Started