The Niswey Blog

Our take on the whys and hows of digital marketing. Also, a peek into our cultural ethos and efforts to find marketing lessons in popular culture.

Abhinav Sahai

How Technology Impacts SEO: Case Study

Background: A few months ago, we optimized a client’s website for a few keywords, by providing them with our digital marketing services. Within 3

5 Things to Keep in Mind While Doing Keyword Research

While there are lots of posts talking about keyword research tools available online, what I see as a constant problem is how people use these tools.

We’re Turning into a Flat Organization: Here’s Why

We are a small team of people who are there for the love of what we do. An architecture graduate loves writing and copy editing and has been doing it

Social Signals Impact Search Rankings: Proof

Proof that social media sharing impacts your website’s search ranking
google doesnt provide keywords data what should i do

Google doesn’t provide keywords data, what should I do?

Ever since Google started rolling out updates where it would not provide keywords data for logged-in Google users, there has been hue and cry in the

SEO – What It Is and What It Is Not

Wrote about the myth called SEO Content sometime back. I believe this is an extension of that and will explain SEO to you in not more than 5 minutes,

SEO Content Is a Myth!

Recently I was sitting in a potential client meeting where their Digital Marketing Manager was discussing a lead generation campaign they were

Why We Don’t Offer Gold/Silver/Platinum SEO Packages

Being a digital marketing company, we are often asked this question in some form or the other. Recently after sharing a plan for a potential client
Kissmetrics Infographic How Colors Affect Conversions

Kissmetrics Infographic: How Colors Affect Conversions

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